Roronoa Zoro, also known as "Pirate Hunter" Zoro, is the combatant of the Straw Hat Pirates, and one of their two swordsmen. Formerly a bounty hunter, he is the second member of Luffy's crew and the first to join it, doing so in the Romance Dawn Arc. As a master of Three Sword Style, a swordsmanship style which he created during his childhood training in Shimotsuki Village, Zoro is among the three most powerful combatants of the Straw Hats, alongside Luffy and Sanji. His dream is to become the greatest swordsman in the world, in order to honor a promise he made to his deceased childhood friend Kuina. In addition to his infamy as one of the Straw Hats and as a former bounty hunter, Zoro is also regarded as one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He currently has a bounty of 320,000,000 Beli.
As Zoro demands Enma to stop, King moves in and stops in front of Zoro, confusing Zoro as to what King is trying to do. Zoro decides to stab King in the chest with his sword, only for King to not only be unharmed, but to explode seconds later. Zoro manages to survive using Busoshouku Haki, but is in disbelief as to how and why King is unscathed after an attack like that. He attacks King again with One Sword Style Iai: Shi Shishi Sonson, but once again King is unscathed. As Zoro prepares to block another of Kings attacks with his swords, Enma once again starts draining Haki from Zoro, causing Zoro to get grazed by King's attack, and for a chunk of the area to be destroyed with both of them falling. While falling, Zoro drops Sandai Kitetsu, but quickly goes to reclaim it, while thinking back to all his moments with the sword. King then kicks him back towards the island afterwards, expressing how crazy he thought he was for risking his life for a sword. Zoro then gets up to see that Wado Ichimonji didn't fall and was safe, gratefully thinking back to when he first got that sword, and began to look back at everything he learned in Wano and his childhood in Shimostuki Village, immediately realizing all the connections and realizing that Enma was testing him the whole time. After realizing this, several Beast Pirates arrive and try to interfere with his and King's fight, only for them to all pass out after Zoro decides to let Enma take all the Haki it wants. Realizing that Zoro has Haoshoku Haki, King asks if he had "kingly ambitions" as well, to which Zoro answers yes to, saying that he must since he promised his captain and best friend. Zoro figured out that when King puts out the flames on the back of his head to increase his speed his defenses get weaker so waited for the right moment and serially wounded King. When King’s face was exposed the Beast pirates who were watching their fight commentated that the World Government was offering 100,000,000 Beli to anyone who had information on lunarians which caused King to scortch them with his flame attacks. Zoro was appalled that his opponent would attack his comrades like that but was interested in King’s species , but the All Star refused to answer and attacked him again. Zoro now dealing serious damage to King declared that The Beast Pirates had reigned long enough and ignored King’s claim that Kaido would be the next Pirate King. After Zoro correctly assumed that King was afraid of his attacks now, King tried finishing him off with an enormous flame dragon hotter than magma, but Zoro was unfazed by this and used En-Ō Santōryū: Ippyakusanjo Hiryu Jigoku to cut the dragon in two and landed a destructive onslaught onto King defeating him while simultaneously slicing off half of the lunarian's right wing.