Infinitum: Subject Unknown - Review

This movie is the kind of movie that I like. One that makes you think, makes you try to figure it out, and trusts you to be smart enough to sort of come up with your own ideas about it. I'm not a fan of the movies that want to spell everything out for you. This one had an Inception type feel with awesome cinematography and editing but also doesn't tie up every loose end. 

I love a movie that makes me think. Explosions are fun, superheroes are cool, but this one is the perfect change of pace IMO. A well made british indie movie. It's not big budget but they sure impressed with a intricate plot, quality acting and overall a well made sci-fi movie. If you haven't seen this yet your honestly missing out. Matthew and Tori Butler-Hart made an excellent film during lock down about parallel universes and quantum physics. The film has some great acting and if your into quantum physics then you will like this. Gotta watch for the details closely.